
young einstein

Director: yahoo serious

Actor: yahoo serious,odile le clezio,john howard,peewee wilson

Data Published: Thu Dec 15 1988

Genres: Comedy,History

Key Words: close up of ear,close up of eye,close up of lips,close up of mouth,charles darwin character



Description: Young Einstein is a movie starring Yahoo Serious, Odile Le Clezio, and John Howard. Albert Einstein turns the science community upside down with his discoveries including a formula to put bubbles back in beer and rock n' roll.

Plot: The film begins with Albert Einstein (Yahoo Serious) as the son of an apple farmer in Tasmania in the early 1900s. He is uninterested in the family business, but shows an interest in science, especially in the study of physics. His interest leads his father to show him his grandfather’s “laboratory”, a shed in the middle of the Australian bush where he made beer. His father tells him that they’ve tried for years to introduce bubbles to beer, saying that the person who can could change the world. After a day’s worth of heavy drinking, Albert postulates the theory of Mass–energy equivalence (E=MC2) as a formula to split beer atoms to create bubbles in beer. After spending all night preparing, he splits a beer atom (with hammer and chisel), which causes the shed to explode. Albert runs to his parents, blackened from the explosion, carrying the formula and a glass of beer with bubbles in it. His father tells him to head to the Australian mainland and patent the formula. Once arrived, he boards a train for Sydney, where he is introduced to Marie Curie (Odile Le Clezio), a French scientist studying at the University of Sydney and Preston Preston (John Howard), the pompous manager of the Sydney Patent Office. Marie is fascinated by Albert, where Preston is annoyed and storms off to find a conductor to remove him from the train. Albert tells Marie of his theory, which she finds fascinating. Once arrived in Sydney, Albert finds lodging in a whorehouse, and finds that the patent office will not accept theories, but only applicable ideas that apply to inventions. Albert leaves and meets Marie at the university, only to upset her professor by erasing his work and writing his own theory, causing him to be comically thrown out. She reiterates his brilliance and is seemingly more taken with him than before. Meanwhile, Preston is attempting to woo Marie with his upper-class lifestyle. During a performance at a social club, she mentions that Albert’s theory has merit and is extremely interesting. Preston takes this as a challenge to his romantic aspirations and has his clerk call Einstein in to take his formula for safe keeping. Preston then turns the formula over to the Bavarian Brothers, a pair of brewmasters who intend to use the formula to get rich. Meanwhile, Albert continues inventing things (such as Rock and roll and the electric violin), he also begins a romance with Marie, he takes her to the beach and demonstrates surfing for her. As they are leaving, Marie comments that she wished this moment could last forever. Suddenly, Albert has a realization and comes up with the theory of Relativity on the spot. Marie is amazed that he came up with that so quickly. As they return to the hotel, the clerk tells him that Preston is creating a keg using his formula. Albert runs to the Bavarian Brothers to tell them that they can’t create this keg, they claim that Einstein is insane and have him committed. On his way to the mental institution, he meets a group of deranged scientists, including Ernest Rutherford. Once committed, his electric violin is destroyed by the nurse and he is kept isolated from the outside world in an electric cell. Marie confronts Preston about his theft of Einstein’s research and his commitment to an institution. Preston counters that Einstein would have done nothing with it and he was trying to help everyone. Marie infiltrates the institution under the guise of Einstein’s father, she confronts Albert in the shower room and tells him of Preston’s plot. When Albert says there is not much he can do about it now, Marie storms out saying she needs a man of action. Albert rebuilds his violin into an instrument more resembling an electric guitar, he plugs it into the electrified door and plays the instrument, shorting the door out and escaping. He returns to the hotel to find a note from Marie, saying she has left Australia and returned to France. Albert finds a small steamboat and sails to France to confront Marie. She initially rejects him, but acquiesces when he tells her he’s prepared to stop Preston. They use the Curie family hot air balloon and head to the Nobel ceremony in Paris that night. Many inventors and scientific luminaries are there, such as the Wright Brothers and Sigmund Freud. Charles Darwin announces Preston Preston is the winner of this year’s Nobel Prize for his discovery of putting bubbles in beer. Preston begins his speech, but is interrupted by Albert, who questions if Preston even knows what happens when an atom is split. When Darwin realizes that Preston has (unknowingly) built an atomic bomb, he orders Preston to stop. Preston scoffs the warning and starts the keg, which starts shaking and building up pressure. Einstein attaches his guitar to the keg as a way to drain the atomic keg, Marie tells him not to as this would kill him. Albert sends her away and starts playing a riff on the guitar, this seems to work as the keg begins to lose power. Preston attempts to kill Einstein, but is knocked unconscious by Marie. Albert is starting to feel the effects of siphoning off the energy from the keg as he starts to radiate pure energy. This causes a massive feedback, then an explosion. As the smoke clears, Albert is standing there, blackened (like before in the shed), but otherwise unharmed. He and Marie kiss as the assembled crowd cheers for him. He returns to Tasmania with the keg and the Nobel Prize (in his name). He tells his family that he will give his formula to the world instead of keeping it for personal gain. Marie questions what will happen if governments use that formula to create atomic weapons. Albert naively replies “If you can’t trust the governments of the world, then who can you trust?” Albert steps in front of the mic and says that he has learned a new theory out of this, he then pulls up his guitar and starts playing a rock song to the delight of the assembled crowd.

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