
the three musketeers

Director: stephen herek

Actor: charlie sheen,kiefer sutherland,chris o'donnell,oliver platt

Data Published: Fri Nov 12 1993

Genres: Action,Adventure,Comedy,Family,Romance

Key Words: eyepatch,held at swordpoint,reference to the three musketeers,father son relationship,character says all for one and one for all



Description: The Three Musketeers is a movie starring Charlie Sheen, Kiefer Sutherland, and Chris O'Donnell. France, 1625: Young d'Artagnan heads to Paris to join the Musketeers but the evil cardinal has disbanded them - save 3. He meets the 3,...

Plot: In France, in 1625, d'Artagnan (Chris O'Donnell) sets off to Paris in hopes of becoming a member of the Musketeers, a band of men sworn to serve and protect the King of France, following in his late father's footsteps. d'Artagnan is pursued by Gérard and his brothers, who accuse him of blemishing their sister's honor. At Musketeer Headquarters, Captain Rochefort (Michael Wincott) and the Cardinal's Guards have disbanded the Musketeers as per the orders of Cardinal Richelieu (Tim Curry), the King's Minister, ostensibly to help fight in an impending war with England. Rochefort confides to the Cardinal that there are three Musketeers that have refused to relinquish their duties: Athos (Kiefer Sutherland), Porthos (Oliver Platt), and Aramis (Charlie Sheen). d'Artagnan encounters the Queen's handmaidens on his way to Paris and takes a liking to one, Constance, after exchanging pleasantries. Upon reaching Paris, the headstrong d'Artagnan has a series of chance physical encounters with these same three Musketeers, resulting in d'Artagnan's accepting a duel with each one that very day. d'Artagnan arrives at the ruins for his first duel; and, much to his surprise, Athos, Porthos and Aramis reveal themselves as Musketeers. But, before the duels can commence, the Captain of the Cardinal's Guard appears with orders to arrest the resistant Musketeers. Although d'Artagnan himself is not under arrest, he joins the three Musketeers in the ensuing skirmish, aligning himself with them. Displeased (but still impressed) by d'Artagnan's involvement, the Three Musketeers leave d'Artagnan behind, encouraging him to flee the scene to maintain his innocence. More of the Cardinal's Guards, led by Rochefort, arrive; d'Artagnan tries to take them on and is captured. During an escape attempt, d'Artagnan is able to eavesdrop on a conversation between Cardinal Richelieu and Milady de Winter (Rebecca De Mornay), as the Cardinal asks that she deliver a signed treaty to the Duke of Buckingham of England. Before he can get a view of the Cardinal's spy, d'Artagnan is caught at the doorway by Rochefort, interrogated by the Cardinal, and ultimately sent for execution the next morning for refusing to give up the musketeers' location. At the execution, d'Artagnan is saved by Porthos and Aramis, and the three make a getaway in the Cardinal's personal coach, driven by Athos. d'Artagnan reveals Richelieu's plans, and the Three Musketeers decide to intercept Richelieu's spy to prove that the Cardinal is guilty of treason. That night, d'Artagnan and the three musketeers stop at an inn to rest. Athos tells the story of a Count who fell in love with a beautiful woman; but, upon discovering that she was branded for execution, he betrayed her by giving her up to the authorities. The party decides to split up during a skirmish. Athos sends d'Artagnan to ride ahead and intercept the Cardinal's spy and the treaty, but d'Artagnan passes out from exhaustion in the middle of the road. When he wakes up, he finds he is stripped of his weapons and clothes and Milady de Winter is there to rouse and seduce him. Not knowing who the spy is, d'Artagnan tells her of his plans, whereupon she tries to kill him. Instead, d'Artagnan convinces her to keep him alive. When Milady de Winter's party tries to escape by boat to England, they find that the crew has been killed by Porthos and Aramis, and another skirmish ensues. Milady attempts to run away; but she is confronted by the newly arrived Athos, who recognizes her and calls her Sabine. He is astonished to see her, as he thought she was dead. It is revealed that he was the Count of his story and that Sabine was the wife he betrayed. Milady de Winter is then apprehended by her last husband, as Sabine is accused for killing her first husband, Lord de Winter, and sentenced to death. The three musketeers retrieve the treaty and learn that the Cardinal is planning something on King Louis' birthday, though it does not specify what in the treaty. Athos attempts to learn what it is by visiting Sabine in her cell. She asks if he can stop her execution tomorrow. Athos cannot and Sabine does not reveal what the Cardinal's plan is. During the execution, just as Sabine is lowering her head for the executioner, Athos stops him and begs forgiveness from Sabine for his betrayal. She accepts and whispers to Athos Richelieu's plans to assassinate King Louis before jumping off a cliff to her death. After learning of the Cardinal's plan, the three musketeers set out to re-band the rest of the musketeers, in secret, for the king's birthday celebration. Richelieu and Rochefort hire a sharpshooter to assassinate the king. During the assembly, d'Artagnan is able to stop the sniper from killing the king, but the shot narrowly misses its target and the Cardinal blames the musketeers in the crowd for the attempted assassination. Athos, Porthos and Aramis drop their cloaks to show their musketeer tunics and face the Cardinal's guards. Meanwhile, men from the crowd rush to their sides and reveal that they are musketeers. A battle between the musketeers and the Cardinal's guards engulfs the palace. Richelieu takes the king and queen as hostages and tries to take them to the dungeon below. Aramis confronts the Cardinal to stop him, but Richelieu shoots him in the chest with a pistol and makes his way into the passage to the dungeon. Athos duels Rochefort and d'Artagnan interrupts the battle to fight Rochefort himself. During their duel, Rochefort reveals that he was the one that murdered d'Artagnan's father. Rochefort fights back and is able to disarm d'Artagnan, but before he can deal the final blow, d'Artagnan's sword is passed back to him by Constance and he promptly stabs Rochefort, killing him. Athos joins Porthos, who is at the unconscious Aramis' side, and as they search for his wound, Aramis suddenly wakes, and it is revealed that the bullet was stopped by the huge cross that Aramis wears. They follow Richelieu into the dungeons and split up to stop him from killing the king and queen. In the dungeon, Porthos is confronted by the hellish jailer whom he kills after a fight. Afterwards, Athos and Porthos just miss the Cardinal as his boat starts on the underground river. Athos says that they have proof of Richelieu's treason, but Richelieu is unfazed. The boatman then casts off his cloak and the Cardinal is astonished to see that it is Aramis. Aramis attempts to apprehend the Cardinal, but King Louis stops him and punches Richelieu himself, knocking him into the river. The musketeers are reinstated by the king. Accompanied by Athos, Aramis, and Porthos, d'Artagnan is honored in a ceremony. King Louis offers him anything he wants, and all d'Artagnan wants - at Athos' request - is to serve Louis as a musketeer. King Louis does so. Outside Musketeer Headquarters, Gérard and his brothers once again challenge d'Artagnan to an immediate duel, but before d'Artagnan can accept, Porthos reminds him that besides protecting King and country, musketeers protect each other. d'Artagnan and his friends shout out the musketeer motto, "All for one, and one for all!", which prompts the entire musketeer division to chase off Gerard and his brothers.

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