highlander iii: the sorcerer
Director: andrew morahan
Actor: christopher lambert,mario van peebles,deborah kara unger,mako
Data Published: Wed Nov 30 1994
Genres: Action,Fantasy,Romance,Sci-Fi
Key Words: sex scene,immortal,sorcerer,sword and sorcery,third part
IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0110027/
WIKI: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highlander_III:_The_Sorcerer
Description: Highlander III: The Sorcerer is a movie starring Christopher Lambert, Mario Van Peebles, and Deborah Kara Unger. Deceived that he had won the Prize, Connor MacLeod awakens from a peaceful life when an entombed immortal magician...
Plot: Some time after the death of his wife Heather in the 16th century, Connor travels to Japan to request training from the Immortal Japanese sorcerer Nakano. Nakano lives in a cave of Mount Niri, and has a reputation as a master of Illusion. Another Immortal, Kane, is also interested in mastering the power of Illusion and is making his way across Asia, with two henchmen in tow (Khabul Khan and Senghi Khan). They burn a village, massacre its population and eventually reach the cave. Kane defeats and decapitates Nakano, despite Connor's attempts to save him. The energies released during the Quickening cause the cave to collapse. The Highlander manages to escape, but Kane and his men are trapped. Their situation prevents them from participating in "The Gathering" of 1985. In 1788–89 in France, Connor makes the acquaintance of Sarah Barrington, an Englishwoman visiting relatives. The two become lovers, but when the French Revolution begins, MacLeod becomes involved. He is captured and sentenced to death for treason against King Louis XVI of France. He is saved by his Immortal friend Pierre Bouchet, who tells him he is tired of his immortal life, and dupes the guards into executing him in MacLeod's place. As Connor is reported deceased, Sarah, believing her lover dead, marries another man and has children with him. In 1994, Connor is living with his adopted son John in Marrakesh. Brenda Wyatt, the woman he married after the Gathering, was killed in a car accident in 1987. Although Connor survived the accident, he still believes that "The Game" is over. In Japan, two archaeologists have excavated a cave to discover whether the legend of the sorcerer Nakano is true. One of the archaeologists, Dr. Alexandra Johnson, whose interests will lead her to Connor MacLeod, resembles Sarah Barrington. The excavations free Kane, who sets out in pursuit of Connor, sending Khabul ahead and beheading Senghi to gain his power. MacLeod leaves John in the care of his friend, Jack Donovan, and departs to New York City to engage in the final showdown for the Prize. When he arrives, he is found by Khabul: the two fight, and Connor wins. When Khabul's decapitated body is found, Lt. John Stenn goes on the trail of the main suspect of the 1985 "headhunter" case, Russell Nash – Nash was the alias used by MacLeod during the time of the Gathering. As Alex investigates a piece of cloth found on the site, she discovers that it is a shred of a kilt, with a design that designates a branch of the MacLeod family. This leads her to Nash Antiques, where Connor has returned in preparation for the battle against Kane. The Highlander is confronted at a former Buddhist shrine by Kane, who challenges him. Fighting on the holy ground is a violation of the Immortal Golden Rule; the battle ends when the blade of MacLeod's katana is shattered. Kane flees, and Connor decides to return to the Scottish Highlands to build another sword though his initial attempts are unsuccessful. Alex tracks him down to give him a bar of finely refined steel that she found in Nakano's cave with which he forges into a new sword, and the two become lovers. MacLeod learns from Jack Donovan that his son John is on a plane for New York. Kane abducts John, and holds him hostage to lure MacLeod. MacLeod meets Kane in an old church mission in Jersey City, and follows him into an abandoned power plant for their final battle. The Highlander defeats Kane, wins the Prize by receiving the final Quickening, and returns to Scotland with Alex and John to live out the rest of his natural life.