
dante's peak

Director: roger donaldson

Actor: pierce brosnan,linda hamilton,jamie renée smith,jeremy foley

Data Published: Fri Feb 07 1997

Genres: Action,Adventure,Thriller

Key Words: volcano,mayor,lava,volcanologist,volcanic eruption



Description: Dante's Peak is a movie starring Pierce Brosnan, Linda Hamilton, and Jamie Renée Smith. A vulcanologist arrives at a countryside town recently named the second most desirable place to live in America, and discovers that the long...

Plot: In 1993, United States Geological Survey volcanologist Dr. Harry Dalton and his colleague and fiance, Marianne, attempt to escape an eruption in Colombia. A piece of hot volcanic debris pierces through the roof of Harry's truck, killing Marianne. Four years later, Harry is assigned by his superior, Dr. Paul Dreyfus, to investigate seismic activity near Dante's Peak, Washington, a town that borders a dormant stratovolcano. Harry arrives at the town and meets with the mayor, Rachel Wando, and her children, Graham and Lauren. Rachel offers to take Harry with them as they see her former mother-in-law, Ruth, who lives near a lake at the base of the volcano. While exploring, they encounter multiple casualities, including two people boiled to death in a hot spring. Harry calls Paul to report to him his concerns about area around the volcano. Paul then arrives with a USGS team that evening, and they set up base in a motel to monitor the volcano. Although Paul and Harry had a disagreement about the volcano, Harry decided to stay for a few more nights since he still believes that the disturbances are signs of an impending eruption. During his stay in town, Harry and Rachel talked about their lives and they grow closer. Harry again discusses with Paul about his concerns of the volcano, but Paul dismisses him because the data contradicted his claims. Days after the USGS have set up camp to monitor the volcano, Harry and Terry venture inside the mountain's crater with a programmed robot known as "Spider Legs". During Terry's examination, a tremor shakes the mountain, causing him to be buried in the rocky debris and breaking his leg. A helicopter rescues Harry and Terry moments before a fissure opens inside the crater. Harry argues with Paul, saying that the quake was harmonic, and to put the town on alert, but Paul still dismisses his claims and tells him to fall in line. But after days of no activity, Paul decides that it is time to leave town and monitor the volcano from their headquarters. Harry cedes in defeat. During that night when Harry goes to say goodbye to Rachel, they discover that the town's water has been contaminated. They drive up to check the town's water supply, where it is revealed that it has been contaminated with sulfur dioxide. They hurriedly drive back to the motel where Paul is staying for Harry to show him the contaminated water. The team realizes that it is only a matter of time before the volcano will erupt as they scramble to gather all the new data readings. As Paul calls the National Guard for assistance, he instructs Harry to notify Rachel that it is time to call for a town meeting. The next day during the emergency town meeting at the town high school, tremors shake the gymnasium just before the volcano finally begins to erupt, causing the residents to go on a panicking frenzy. Harry and Rachel drive through the carnage to get Graham and Lauren, only to find out that they left to pick up Ruth who refused to leave her cabin. Reaching Ruth's cabin, Harry and Rachel are reunited with the kids and Ruth, who was still adamant that she would not leave. Harry contacted the USGS team one final time while Rachel and the others were gathering things. As they are leaving the cabin, a lava flow engulfs it and destroys the vehicles and everything in its path. The five escapes across the lake in a motorboat. However, halfway across, they notice that all the fish in the lake are dead. Harry realizes that the lake has become acidic due to sulfur-rich gases from the volcano. The acid destroys the motor and starts eating away at the boat as they drift in the lake. Nearing a dock, Ruth jumps out of the boat and into the acidic water and pulls the boat towards it allowing those on the boat to get off safely. She collapses onto land, sustaining severe chemical burns and dies the next morning with her family and Harry at her side. Meanwhile, the heat from the volcano melts the snow on the mountain, and, combined with downed timber, ruptures a nearby dam on the peak, now becoming a lahar. Harry and the Wandos finds a truck from a ranger's station and ventures back to town. The National Guard having finally evacuated the town, leave together with the USGS team. En route, the convoy gets caught in the lahar flow that has distablized the bridge with debris, knocking it off its foundation. The National Guard convoy gets across the bridge to safety, but Paul, who was driving the team's van, is washed away to his death as the bridge flips over. Harry and the Wandos are stopped by a crusted lava flow. With more fresh lava coming down the hill, Harry frantically tries to drive the truck over the cooled crusted lava. But lava pockets bursts to burn the truck's tires, making it more difficult for them to cross. While driving across, they notice Ruth's dog, Roughy on a ridge. Rachel catches Roughy as it jumped into the truck just as fresh lava flowed over the road behind them. Seeing that their only way out of town has been washed out by the flood, they return back to town, now a desolated ruin site, where Harry retrieves a distress radiobeacon at their camp in the motel. Before leaving, he checks the laptop that is monitoring the volcano where he learns that the volcano is preparing for a final catastrophic eruption. As they head towards the town's abandoned mine, where Graham previously used as a hideout, the volcano laterally explodes. The pyroclastic flow rushes down the mountain, obliterating everything in its path. Harry crashes the truck into the entrance of the mine just before the pyroclastic flow gets to them. The remaining USGS team watch the eruption from a safe distance, believing Harry to be dead. Inside the mine, Harry and the Wandos regroup in the hideout. Graham tells them what supplies they have, while Rachel checks their wounds. Harry realizes that he left the beacon in the truck and before he sets out to get it, seeing that the kids are scared, he promises them that when they get out he's going to take them all deepsea fishing. Just as he was going back to the truck, the mine collapses, completely blocking and separating him from Rachel and the kids. Harry suffers a broken arm as he gets trapped inside the truck by still falling debris. After several tries, Harry manages to successfully activate the beacon. Back at the headquarters, Terry notices that the beacon has been activated, realizing that Harry may still be alive. The USGS dispatches search and rescue teams back to town. Harry and the Wandos are rescued from the collapsed mine and are airlifted out by helicopter. Harry expresses his relief that Rachel and the kids are safe as they look forward to their deepsea fishing trip. The helicopter flies over the devastated town with a shot at the volcano (looking very similar Mount St. Helens), showing the might of mother nature.

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