
the house of mirth

Director: terence davies

Actor: gillian anderson,dan aykroyd,eleanor bron,terry kinney

Data Published: Fri Oct 13 2000

Genres: Romance,Drama

Key Words: love,reputation,high society,money,period drama



Description: The House of Mirth is a movie starring Gillian Anderson, Dan Aykroyd, and Eleanor Bron. A woman risks losing her chance of happiness with the only man she has ever loved.

Plot: Lily Bart is a beautiful socialite accustomed to comfort and luxury. Along with her younger cousin, Grace Stepney, she lives with her wealthy aunt, Julia Peniston. Through a series of unfortunate misunderstandings, she learns of the bitter consequences for a single woman without wealth, living in an uncaring society. Lily genuinely admires lawyer Lawrence Selden, but he is too poor for her to seriously consider marrying. Her choices are limited to coarse, vulgar Simon Rosedale, a rising financier, and wealthy but dull Percy Gryce. Lily’s friend Judy Trenor urges her to pursue Gryce. But Lily can't help preferring Selden. During a country weekend, they take a long walk and share an innocent kiss. Gryce sees them and leaves abruptly. Fearful for her future, a dejected Lily pours out her troubles to Judy's husband, Gus Trenor. He leads her to believe he will help her earn money through investment. Later, Lily is forced to purchase scandalous letters written by Bertha Dorset revealing that Selden was her lover. Lily is hurt, but keeps the letters secret. At a wedding, Lily receives a $5,000 check from Gus Trenor, who claims to have reinvested another $4,000. Later, he invites Lily to the opera, where she also encounters Lawrence Selden and Simon Rosedale. While Lily is hoping to hear from Lawrence Selden, Simon Rosedale visits, proposing to her as if suggesting a corporate merger. His wealth could free Lily, yet she politely rejects his flattering but cold blooded proposal. Bertha Dorset invites Lily to the Dorsets' yacht for a European cruise. Lily accepts, desperate to escape the whispers and criticism in New York. In Monte Carlo, Mrs. Carry Fisher meets with Selden, who has arrived from London. They are both worried about Lily, travelling on the Dorset's yacht. Lily and George Dorset converse on deck while a young man reads French poetry to Bertha. That evening, Lily and George look for them in vain. Next morning, George enters Lily's cabin, accusing her of knowing more about Bertha's indiscretions. Lily pleads ignorance of her behavior. But when Bertha returns, Lily confronts her and Bertha shockingly accuses Lily of adultery with George. Back in New York, Aunt Julia has died, leaving Lily only a fraction of her vast fortune in favour of Cousin Grace. Now homeless and adrift, Lily is invited by Carry Fisher to stay with her and the Gormers for the summer. Carry believes Lily's two possibilities for marriage are George Dorset and Simon Rosedale. George asks Lily for the truth about his wife Bertha's infidelities, but she denies any knowledge. In her growing desperation she approaches Simon Rosedale. He has found out about Bertha's letters and advises Lily to use them to force Bertha to restore her social standing. He offers to marry Lily once she and Bertha are reconciled, but Lily refuses. Lily starts working for the social-climbing Mrs. Hatch as her social secretary. Selden tells Lily this hurts her social standing, but she needs the money. They argue and part on bad terms. Lily goes to the pharmacy for Mrs. Hatch's laudanum sleeping medication, and begins taking it herself. After Mrs. Hatch gets into society, she discovers that Lily's reputation is a liability, so she fires her. Lily gets a job sewing for a milliner, but her growing addiction leads to her being fired for poor work. Lily visits her cousin Grace for a loan but is rejected. Lily almost confronts Bertha Dorset with the letters written to Mr. Selden, but finding that the Dorsets have left town, she goes to Lawrence Selden, telling him she knows she lost his love. When Lawrence isn't looking, she throws the letters in his fireplace. Lily goes home and finds her inheritance has at last been delivered. She puts the check in an envelope she addresses to her bank, and writes another for Gus Trenor, resolving the massive debts, but then takes a fatal dose of the laudanum, drifting off to oblivion in her darkened room. Finding the partially burnt letters in his fireplace and sensing her intentions, Selden rushes to her boarding room. There, at her deathbed, holding her hand, he weeps, declaring his love for her.

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