
the pledge

Director: sean penn

Actor: jack nicholson,benicio del toro,patricia clarkson,beau daniels

Data Published: Fri Jan 19 2001

Genres: Crime,Drama,Mystery,Thriller

Key Words: police,retired policeman,serial killer,private investigation,paranoia



Description: The Pledge is a movie starring Jack Nicholson, Benicio Del Toro, and Patricia Clarkson. A retiring police detective pledges to catch the killer of a young child.

Plot: Retired police detective Jerry Black (Nicholson) is seen mumbling to himself, apparently drunk, sitting on a bench outside a disused gas station. The scene then shifts to events in the recent past. The Department has thrown him a retirement party, and the police captain gives Jerry a fishing trip in Mexico as a gift. The party is interrupted by the discovery of a murdered child, Ginny. Jerry decides to go with another detective, Stan Krolak (Eckhart), to the scene of the crime. Jerry delivers the bad news to the child's parents, and the mother makes Jerry swear on a cross that he will find the killer. A suspect is found the next day. Stan goes in to interview the suspect, Toby Jay Wadenah (del Toro), a Native American man with mental retardation. During the interview, the man eventually confesses but steals a gun from one of the deputies and commits suicide. To the other detectives, the case is over, but Jerry does not think that Wadenah was the killer. Jerry is adamant about his pledge to find the killer, and does not go on the fishing trip. Instead, he visits the victim's grandmother, who tells him of the many stories that Ginny told. A later visit to one of her friends reveals that Ginny had a friend she called "The Giant". Jerry sees a picture Ginny drew of "The Giant", but it does not resemble Wadenah, and includes a black station wagon. He takes the drawing with him. Jerry goes to Stan and asks him to reopen the case. Stan refuses but gets Jerry more information about similar cases in the area. Jerry's investigations reveal three unsolved and similar cases that Wadenah could not have committed. Jerry presents his research and Ginny's drawing to Captain Pollack (Shepard) and Stan, who are doubtful. While fishing, Jerry notices a gas station that is located near the center of the similar cases. After buying the gas station, Jerry moves into the house behind it, meets local bartender Lori (Wright Penn), and slowly becomes a father figure to her daughter Chrissy. Soon, Chrissy becomes friends with a local pastor, Gary Jackson (Tom Noonan). Jerry is uncomfortable about this and begins to think Jackson is the killer. Chrissy is shown meeting a man driving a black car with a toy hedgehog hanging on the rear mirror, hedgehogs being another aspect of Ginny's drawing that Jerry believes to be a clue. Chrissy explains to Jerry that she met a wizard who gave her hedgehog candies and told her not to tell her parents they met. She figured it was OK to tell Jerry, since he is not her father. Jerry realizes this is the killer and, using Chrissy as bait, stages an operation, with Stan's help, to catch him. A car is shown driving with a toy hedgehog hanging from the rear-view mirror. The woman who owned the chocolate shop is shown searching for "Oliver", implying that he is the killer. After hours of waiting, Stan and the other police leave. They tell Lori what happened, and she confronts Jerry angrily about putting her daughter in danger. The car that was shown approaching is seen destroyed in a fiery collision with a freight truck. In the final scene, reprising the first, Jerry sits on a bench in front of the ruined gas station, apparently drunk, mumbling to himself that the killer is still out there.

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