
employee of the month

Director: greg coolidge

Actor: jessica simpson,dane cook,dax shepard,andy dick

Data Published: Fri Oct 06 2006

Genres: Comedy,Romance

Key Words: mall,shopping mall,store,cashier,framed photograph



Description: Employee of the Month is a movie starring Jessica Simpson, Dane Cook, and Dax Shepard. A slacker competes with a repeat winner for the "Employee of the Month" title at work, in order to gain the affections of a new female employee.

Plot: For years, Zack Bradley has been working at the local "Super Club" as a box-boy. He lives with his grandmother and spends his free time with co-workers Lon Neilson, Iqbal Raji, and Russell Porpis-Gunders. Despite his slacker-like ways, he is kind-hearted, popular and supportive. His co-worker Vince Downey earns the Employee of the Month title for the 17th time in a row. Vince is egotistical and rude towards his co-workers, including his box-boy Jorge Mecico, whom he berates constantly. When new cashier Amy Renfro is hired, Zack and Vince fall for her and compete for her affection. Zack is told that Amy slept with the Employee of the Month at her last job, so he decides to win the title. Amy has dinner with Vince, but is repulsed when he puts the move on her. Vince does not realize how Amy feels, thinking they had a good kiss, and continues pursuing her. Zack steps up his act and begins going to work on time and working harder, giving Vince competition for the title. He also goes on a date with Amy, which takes place entirely in Super Club. Within a few days, with Vince still winning the daily star, Zack realizes that getting Employee of the Month is not as easy as he thought. With Iqbal's encouragement, Zack finds his groove and, to Vince's horror, wins the star the next day. A war of attrition begins, as Vince tries everything he could think of to derail Zack's string of stars, even breaking into his house one night to reset the clocks; the sabotage causes Zack to arrive a minute late the following day, but with Iqbal's help, Zack's attendance card indicates that he arrived on time, causing Vince's scheme to fail. Zack takes Iqbal's shift on the day of a championship slow-pitch game against rival chain Maxi-Mart. However, he leaves to play in the game and Iqbal is fired. Frustrated at Zack's new attitude, his friends tell him he is turning into Vince and feel his attempt at getting the title is a result of trying to have sex with Amy. Amy overhears the conversation and is disgusted at Zack for his true intentions, prompting her to compare him to her last boyfriend, also an Employee of the Month with whom she indeed had sex but could not stand his attitude, which was why she requested a transfer. At month's end, Zack and Vince are tied. On the day of the tie-breaking competition, Zack quits, gets Iqbal his job back and tells him he took responsibility for what happened, making a heartfelt apology to Lon, Iqbal, and Russell. Zack tells them he plans to win the competition, not for recognition or to make an impression, but for pride. When the store manager is about to announce Zack's resignation, Zack, Lon, Iqbal, and Russell show up claiming Zack never filed the resignation papers. It is revealed that Russell bribed the HR manager with a broken Butterfinger. Zack tries to reconcile with Amy, giving a heartfelt apology and telling her that no matter what, he is a better man because of her. Despite Vince's protests, the competition, for the fastest checkout, is held. The Employee of the Month Award will be granted to the person who finishes the task first. Vince beats Zack by seconds but, during the award ceremony, Semi, the security guard, brings a surveillance video of the competition that shows Vince throwing items behind his back and onto the conveyor belt without scanning them. Vince denies the allegations of under-ringing. The store's assistant manager, who had just completed an audit of the tills used in the competition, proved the surveillance video was right about Vince giving customers free items and has been doing this for 18 months, costing the store thousands of dollars. Vince is fired and required to wear a police tracking device in lieu of jail time. Zack ends up winning the competition, and his relationship with Amy is rekindled. Six weeks after he is terminated from Super Club, Vince is on probation and working at Maxi-Mart, a rival store. Jorge finally learns to assert himself and treats Vince the same as he was treated by him. He is still willing to give Vince a ride to the bus stop, knowing that this would put him outside the range of his probation ankle monitor.

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