
united 93

Director: paul greengrass

Actor: david alan basche,olivia thirlby,liza colón-zayas,j.j. johnson

Data Published: Fri Apr 28 2006

Genres: Action,Drama,History,Thriller

Key Words: september 11 2001,passenger,plane,flight,terrorist



Description: United 93 is a movie starring David Alan Basche, Olivia Thirlby, and Liza Colón-Zayas. A real-time account of the events on United Flight 93, one of the planes hijacked on September 11th, 2001 that crashed near Shanksville,...

Plot: On the morning of September 11, 2001, passengers board United Airlines Flight 93, bound for San Francisco, at Newark Liberty International Airport, including Tom Burnett, Mark Bingham, Todd Beamer, Jeremy Glick, Richard Guadagno, Louis J. Nacke, II, William Joseph Cashman and Patrick Joseph Driscoll. Four al-Qaeda terrorists (Ziad Jarrah, Saeed al-Ghamdi, Ahmed al-Nami, and Ahmed al-Haznawi) also board the flight. Meanwhile, newly promoted FAA National Operations Manager Ben Sliney is in a meeting when it is reported that American Airlines Flight 11 from Boston to Los Angeles has been hijacked after Mohamed Atta is overheard on the radio saying "We have some planes". Minutes later the aircraft crashes into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. Much to Sliney and his staff's horror, they learn that a second flight, United Airlines Flight 175 also from Boston to Los Angeles, has been hijacked, and after New York air traffic controllers attempt to contact the aircraft, it is seen live on CNN plowing into the South Tower of the World Trade Center. Sliney and his staff realize they are dealing with several hijackings and order the military to be on the lookout for American Airlines Flight 77, which is reported missing and presumed to have also been hijacked. On United 93, a hesitant Jarrah appears to have second thoughts of initiating the hijacking plan. Impatient, the other three hijackers prepare for invasion themselves. al-Haznawi assembles a fake bomb out of clay and plastic during breakfast, then al-Ghamdi makes the first move and grabs hold of flight purser Debbie Welsh at knifepoint. After a passenger is fatally stabbed and the "bomb" is revealed, causing mass panic among passengers, al-Nami and al-Haznawi force the first-class passengers to the back of the plane. Meanwhile, Jarrah and al-Ghamdi threaten Welsh and wrestle their way into the cockpit. The pilots send out a mayday call but are killed and dragged from the cockpit. Welsh is also killed. Jarrah takes the plane's controls and changes its course, intending to crash the plane into the United States Capitol. Sliney, still debating on what to do about the unfolding disaster, is in shock when American 77 crashes into the Pentagon, and he orders the closure of US airspace and the grounding of all commercial flights until further notice. Aboard United 93, the passengers become aware of the dead bodies of the crew-members, and learn from family members via airphone of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon; they decide to take action, organizing a revolt against the hijackers. Their plan is empowered by the knowledge that passenger Don Greene has experience in flying aircraft. After passengers arm themselves, pray, and make final phone calls to loved ones, Todd Beamer says "Let's Roll!" The group begin their counterattack, rushing down the aisle and overpowering Ahmed al-Haznawi; Mark Bingham crushes al-Haznawi's skull with a fire extinguisher, killing him. Seeing this, al-Nami alerts Jarrah and al-Ghamdi in the cockpit of the ongoing assault. Jarrah shakes the plane violently to throw the passengers off balance, but they continue their assault, overpowering al-Nami who is killed by Jeremy Glick snapping his neck. Seeing the passengers getting nearer, al-Ghamdi and Jarrah debate whether to take the flight down, realizing that their plan to reach their intended target will not succeed. The passengers then breach the cockpit with the food cart, and al-Ghamdi orders Jarrah to crash the plane. The passengers finally gain entrance into the cockpit and attack the two hijackers over the controls. As the passengers and hijackers struggle for control of the yoke, the plane goes into a nosedive and turns upside down as the screen cuts to black. Title cards explain that the plane crashed into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, killing everyone on board.

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