
inglourious basterds

Director: quentin tarantino

Actor: brad pitt,diane kruger,eli roth,mélanie laurent

Data Published: Wed Aug 19 2009

Genres: Adventure,Drama,War

Key Words: revenge,nazi hunter,world war two,nazi,jewish resistance



Description: Inglourious Basterds is a movie starring Brad Pitt, Diane Kruger, and Eli Roth. In Nazi-occupied France during World War II, a plan to assassinate Nazi leaders by a group of Jewish U.S. soldiers coincides with a theatre owner's...

Plot: In 1941, SS colonel Hans Landa interrogates French dairy farmer Perrier La Padite as to the whereabouts of the last unaccounted-for Jewish family in the area. In exchange for the Germans agreeing to leave his family alone for the rest of the war, La Padite reveals that the Dreyfus family is hidden under the floor. Landa orders SS soldiers to shoot through the floorboards. The family is killed except for Shosanna, a young woman who escapes. Three years later, Lieutenant Aldo Raine of the First Special Service Force recruits Jewish-American soldiers to the Basterds, who spread fear among the German soldiers by killing and scalping them. The Basterds also recruit sergeant Hugo Stiglitz, a German soldier who murdered thirteen Gestapo officers. Adolf Hitler interviews a German soldier, Private Butz, the only survivor of a Basterd attack on his squad. Raine carved the Nazi swastika into Butz's forehead with a knife so he could never hide that he served in the German Heer. Shosanna is operating a cinema in Paris under an assumed name. She meets Fredrick Zoller, a German sniper who killed 68 soldiers in a single battle; Zoller is to star in a Nazi propaganda film, Stolz der Nation (Nation's Pride). Infatuated with Shosanna, Zoller convinces Joseph Goebbels to hold the premiere of the film at her cinema. Shosanna plots with her projectionist and lover, Marcel, to kill the Nazi leaders attending the premiere by setting the cinema ablaze. Unknown to Shosanna, British Intelligence Corps Lieutenant Archie Hicox is also planning an attack at the premiere with the Basterds. Hicox goes to a tavern with Hugo Stiglitz and Basterd Wilhelm Wicki to meet an undercover agent, the German film star Bridget von Hammersmark. Hicox draws the attention of Wehrmacht Sergeant Wilhelm and Gestapo Major Dieter Hellstrom with his unusual accent, and eventually gives himself away by ordering three drinks and gesturing "three" with his index, middle and ring fingers, as opposed to the German way with the thumb, index and middle fingers. Covers blown, the men engage in a brief firefight, which leaves only Sergeant Wilhelm and an injured Hammersmark alive. Raine arrives and negotiates with Sergeant Wilhelm for Hammersmark's release. Wilhelm agrees to release Hammersmark, but is shot by her when he lowers his guard. Suspicious, Raine briefly tortures Hammersmark before she gains his trust, and informs him that Hitler will be attending the film premiere, prompting him to decide to continue the mission despite the death of all German speaking Basterds. Meanwhile, Landa investigates the aftermath at the tavern and finds one of Hammersmark's shoes and a napkin with her signature. At the premiere, two of the Basterds, Donny Donowitz and Omar Ulmer, join Raine in posing as Italians, hoping to fool the Germans unfamiliar with the language. Landa, who speaks fluent Italian, converses and quickly sees through their cover, but sends Donowitz and Ulmer, who are strapped in dynamite, to their seats without exposing them. Landa takes Hammersmark to a private room where he verifies that the shoe from the tavern fits her, then he strangles her to death. He arrests the remaining two Basterds, Raine and Smithson "The Little Man" Utivich. Landa has Raine contact his superior with the OSS and cuts a deal: he will allow the mission to proceed in exchange for immunity from his war crimes and other rewards. During the screening, Zoller slips away to the projection room to see Shosanna. After she rejects his advances, he becomes aggressive. She pretends to acquiesce, then pulls a pistol from her bag and shoots him. As Zoller lies on the floor, mortally wounded, Shosanna turns back to the projection and watches Zoller's film, in which he is being portrayed as a brave war hero. Remorseful, Shosanna moves to embrace Zoller, who raises his pistol in response and shoots her before they both die. As Stolz der Nation reaches its climax, it cuts to spliced-in footage of Shosanna telling the audience that they are about to be killed by a Jew. Marcel, having locked the doors of the auditorium, ignites a pile of flammable nitrate film behind the screen as Shosanna's image laughs. Ulmer and Donowitz break into the box containing Hitler and Goebbels, killing them, then fire their submachine guns into the crowd until their dynamites go off, killing everyone in the theater. Landa and his radio operator drive Raine and Utivich into Allied territory, where they surrender. Raine shoots the radio operator and carves a swastika into Landa's forehead.

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