
hobo with a shotgun

Director: jason eisener

Actor: rutger hauer,pasha ebrahimi,robb wells,brian downey

Data Published: Thu May 12 2011

Genres: Action,Comedy,Horror,Thriller

Key Words: vigilante,shotgun,hobo,rampage,gore



Description: Hobo with a Shotgun is a movie starring Rutger Hauer, Pasha Ebrahimi, and Robb Wells. A homeless vigilante blows away crooked cops, pedophile Santas, and other scumbags with his trusty pump-action shotgun.

Plot: A hobo arrives by boxcar in Hope Town, its welcome sign reading "Scum Town". The town is ruled by "The Drake" and his sadistic sons Ivan and Slick with crimes against humanity. The Hobo sees an amateur filmmaker shooting a "Bumfight" movie. A bloodied man, Logan, The Drake's younger brother, screams for help. The Drake and his sons arrive and, labelling him a traitor to the townspeople, publicly decapitate him with a barbed-wire noose. Wishing to buy a lawnmower in a pawn shop, The Hobo begs for change on a sidewalk. However, after seeing a group of punks drag in a homeless man, he sneaks into The Drake's nightclub. Inside, the brothers and their henchmen torture and kill homeless people in arcade-style games. Slick begins harassing a boy named Otis, who owes him money, and Ivan snaps Otis' arm. Abby, a prostitute, defends Otis. Slick prepares to kill her, but The Hobo knocks him unconscious and carries him to the police station. There, he learns of the police chief's corruption and complicity in criminal activities. The brothers and the chief carve "scum" into his chest and throw him into a garbage bin. He meets Abby, who helps him recover. The next day, The Hobo goes to the filmmaker and completes a series of degrading acts, including chewing glass, to purchase the lawnmower. A trio of robbers enter and hold a woman and her baby hostage. The Hobo grabs a shotgun from the shelf and kills the robbers. Realizing that Hope Town needs justice, he buys the shotgun, costing the same as the lawnmower, and kills dozens of criminals, including the filmmaker, a pimp, a coke lord, and a pedophile dressed as Santa Claus. The Drake, infuriated, lets his sons loose. They burn a school bus filled with children — who are friendly to hobos — and burst into a television station, killing the anchorman during a live broadcast — who had expressed his appreciation of the hobo; they demand that all homeless people be killed. The Drake then joins them and orders The Hobo be brought to him. A mass murder of the town's vagrants begins. As Abby is walking home, a cop attempts to rape her. The Hobo kills him and Abby smuggles The Hobo past a group in a shopping cart covered with the cop's remains. The pair are spotted by Otis, who informs Slick and Ivan. Back at her apartment, The Hobo tells Abby of his plan to start a lawnmowing business, which she enthusiastically supports. Ivan and Slick enter and attack the two, wounding Abby. The Hobo overpowers Slick, holds him at gunpoint, and forces Ivan to leave. The Hobo then shoots Slick in the groin and takes Abby to the hospital. Slick manages to call The Drake before he is taken to hell in a burning school bus. The Drake, mourning the death of his favorite son, summons "The Plague", a duo of armor-clad demons named Rip and Grinder. While Abby is recovering, The Hobo visits the maternity ward and delivers a monologue to the babies. When he returns to Abby's room, The Plague capture and deliver him to The Drake, who plans to publicly execute him. Recovered, Abby returns to the pawn shop for weapons. Attaching an axe to The Hobo's shotgun and retrofitting the lawnmower into a shield, she arms a crowd to free The Hobo and bring down The Drake. She confronts The Drake, holding Ivan hostage; The Drake shoots and denounces him a disappointment. In the ensuing fight, Abby kills Grinder. Although The Drake severs Abby's hand with the lawnmower shield, she stabs him repeatedly with her exposed arm bone and incapacitates him. Rip tries to persuade Abby to be his partner, but The Hobo drives him off. The Hobo spots The Drake crawling away to safety and prepares to execute him but a standoff between the armed townspeople and police initiates. Not wishing to let innocent people die for him and knowing The Drake must die for the town to heal, The Hobo shoots off The Drake's head and is gunned down by the police. Abby screams and the townspeople kill all the police. Drake's rule is over. She later becomes a new plague member with the implantation on the arm.

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