

Director: simon barrett,jason eisener,gareth evans,gregg hale,eduardo sánchez,timo tjahjanto,adam wingard

Actor: lawrence michael levine,kelsy abbott,adam wingard,hannah hughes

Data Published: Thu Jun 06 2013

Genres: Horror,Thriller

Key Words: disturbing,male full frontal nudity,male nudity,mountain biking,helmet camera



Description: V/H/S/2 is a movie starring Lawrence Michael Levine, Kelsy Abbott, and Adam Wingard. Searching for a missing student, two private investigators break into his house and find collection of VHS tapes. Viewing the horrific contents of...

Plot: The film is presented as an anthology of short horror films, built into a frame narrative which acts as its own short horror film. Each short film is linked together with the concept of found footage (each segment is from the VHS tapes found in the first film). After a private eye named Larry botches an investigation, a college student's mother requests that Larry and his girlfriend Ayesha, also a private investigator, look into the disappearance of her son Kyle. After breaking into Kyle's dorm, they discover a large stack of VHS tapes and a laptop that is still recording a video. On the laptop, Kyle discusses the VHS tapes, saying where he got one of the most recent ones, and Larry tells Ayesha to watch the tapes while he inspects the house. As Ayesha watches the first tape, a figure peers out from the shadows of the dorm, and watches her. Ayesha calls Larry into the room, and they discuss the tapes' legitimacy. Larry tells Ayesha to continue viewing the tapes, which Kyle's video explains must be watched in the proper order "to affect you". Larry re-enters the room and finds Ayesha in a hypnotized state with her nose bleeding. After being woken, Ayesha says she has a migraine. Larry leaves to find medicine, and a seemingly entranced Ayesha watches another tape. From the shadows, the figure crawls out and watches her. Upon Larry's return, he discovers Ayesha has killed herself with a gun. A VHS tape with the word "WATCH" written on it in lipstick, lies beside her. Larry picks up the tape and anxiously watches it. Confused, Larry watches the webcam footage and sees Kyle explain that he and his mother want to make their own tape; Kyle then attempts suicide on-camera by shooting himself through his jaw, but seemingly survives, even though his jaw is completely ripped off, and runs off moments before Larry and Ayesha enter the dorm. As Larry watches it, an undead Ayesha suddenly rises and attacks him. Larry manages to overpower Ayesha by breaking her neck and rushes into the other room as she chases after him on all fours. Larry hides in a closet and shoots Ayesha in the face when she finds him. Larry hears a strange gurgling sound and explores the closet only to find Kyle hiding in the back, revealing that Kyle has been hiding in the closet the whole time. Kyle strangles Larry to death and afterwards gives the camera a "thumbs up", his plan being a success, before turning off the camera. After a car accident, Herman receives an ocular implant with a camera to replace his damaged right eye. The doctor warns that he may experience "glitches" because the implant is still in an experimental stage, and Herman notices a young red-haired woman staring at him on the way out of the hospital. That night at his home, he is haunted by a man and young girl, both of whom appear dead. Herman calls the doctor to demand that he remove the implant, and spends the night locked in his bathroom. The next day, the red-haired woman, Clarissa, appears at his door, asking him if he is starting to see dead people. She reveals that she was born deaf and had an implant installed in her ear, which allowed her to hear but also gave her the ability to hear dead people. Herman suggests that if he has the implant removed the ghosts will go away but Clarissa explains that removing the implant will just keep Herman from seeing the ghosts, not send them away. She then asks if Herman has ever hurt anyone but he doesn't answer. Suddenly the ghost of Clarissa's "creepy" uncle appears behind her. She seems unaffected by this saying that he wasn't a very nice guy. She then explains that the ghosts become stronger when one pays attention to them, so they have sex in an effort to ignore them. Later that night, the ghosts of the dead man and young girl appear and an unseen force drowns Clarissa in the outdoor pool. Running back through the house in an effort to escape the ghosts, Herman again locks himself in the bathroom and uses a straight razor to cut out his ocular implant. The ghosts of Clarissa and her uncle then appears next to him, and Herman opens the door to escape, but unwittingly runs directly into the ghosts who throttle him and stuff the implant, still attached to the razor, down his throat, presumably killing him. A cyclist, Mike, with a camera affixed on his helmet, is riding through a state park, when he runs into a hysterical and bloody woman, asking for help with her boyfriend. Mike then sees several zombies approaching them, before he is suddenly attacked and bitten on the throat by the woman, whom he kills. Mike staggers through the park, heavily bleeding, before finally collapsing and apparently dying. A pair of bikers come across him and attempt to help, but he reanimates, attacks, and partially devours them. Hearing noise in the distance, the three zombies head off towards it. The trio invades a young girl's birthday party, killing several people, some of whom reanimate to attack others. While trying to attack a man and his three daughters in their car, he notices his bloodied reflection, which seems to subdue his aggressive behavior. When he accidentally pocket dials his girlfriend, Amy, he is shocked back to a semi-conscious state upon hearing her voice and kills himself with a discarded shotgun. A news crew composed of 4 members (Malik the interviewer, his girlfriend Lena, and Adam and Joni the cameramen) infiltrate an Indonesian cult in the hope of shooting a documentary about their mysterious activities. Inside the building, they find the walls adorned in bizarre symbols, schoolchildren in classrooms, and women dressed in white garments. Malik overhears that his fiancée, Lena, is pregnant with Adam's child. In the basement, Adam finds a bloody woman strapped to a chair who begins convulsing, causing him to run away. While the cult leader is being interviewed, a bell chimes, and he suddenly announces the "time of reckoning" over the intercom. The cultists begin a mass suicide via poison and gunshots, while Joni has his throat cut by the cult leader after repeatedly interrupting the announcement. Lena is abducted by several women in surgical apparel, and Malik is shot dead by one of the cult members. As Adam attempts to rescue Lena, an explosion knocks him down, he stands and attempts to advance into the fiery room only to be intercepted by the cult leader, covered in blood with the cult's symbol written on it, who then proceeds to explode into a cloud of blood and organs. Adam finds Lena placed on an altar but is unable to save her as a horned demon (which resembles The Baphomet) tears its way out of her body. As Adam attempts to flee, he is attacked by the previously deceased cultists and schoolchildren, including Joni and Malik, who have all turned into zombie-like ghouls. He eventually makes it to his car and attempts to drive away, but the demon chases him down and overturns the vehicle. As he attempts to crawl out, the demon calls him "papa", causing him to begin laughing hysterically, realizing that the demon is actually his child. Shortly thereafter, the camera malfunctions. Young brothers Gary and Randy attach a camera to their Yorkshire Terrier dog, Tank, to create videos at their lake-side house. After their parents leave, Gary and Randy invite over their friends, Shawn and Danny, and the group harass the older sister, Jen, and her boyfriend, Zack. While the group is swimming at a nearby lake, they fail to notice a grey alien hiding beneath the water. Later that night, the aliens begin frightening the kids with bright lights and deafening noises. Realizing the aliens are in the house and have cut the power, Zack attempts to scare off the intruders with a shotgun, only to be quickly grabbed by one of the aliens. The aliens attack the rest of the teenagers in the house, dragging them in their sleeping bags, and attempting to drown them in the lake. Only Gary, Randy, Jen and Tank escape, running into the woods to hide. After Tank inadvertently alerts the aliens to their location by barking, the group run toward what they believe to be police lights and sirens, but it turns out to be a trap set by the aliens who abduct Randy. Jen and Gary flee to a nearby barn, where the aliens drag Jen away as Gary and Tank escape up a ladder. As the aliens close in on Gary, he is suddenly pulled into the air by the alien ship's tractor beam. As Gary is pulled into the air, his grip loosens on Tank's leash, and Tank falls down the ladder to the floor, the impact loosening the camera from his back. Mortally injured by the fall, Tank whimpers as he and the camera both slowly die.

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