
the inbetweeners 2

Director: damon beesley,iain morris

Actor: simon bird,james buckley,blake harrison,joe thomas

Data Published: Wed Aug 06 2014

Genres: Comedy

Key Words: hot,sexy,bare chested male,barefoot male,camera shot of feet



Description: The Inbetweeners 2 is a movie starring Simon Bird, James Buckley, and Blake Harrison. Jay, Neil, Simon, and Will reunite in Australia for a holiday.

Plot: Will, Neil and Jay's girlfriends have all broken up with them since the events of the last film, and Simon is unhappy with his girlfriend Lucy, who has become obsessive and abusive. Simon and Will are depressed and ostracised at university; Neil is working in a bank; and Jay is taking a gap year in Australia. He emails Neil, claiming that he is now a top DJ at a popular night club, lives in a luxury mansion, and has daily sex with multiple partners. This convinces them to visit him in Australia for their Easter holidays. Once they arrive at the club in Sydney they find that Jay in fact only works as a toilet attendant and lives in a tent in his Uncle's front garden, while Will meets Katie, an old friend from his private school days, who is backpacking, and she persuades him to join her. Simon, intending to break up with the abusive Lucy over Skype is then interrupted by Jay's Uncle in the background. Thinking Simon asked her to marry him, she excitedly tells him yes. The next day, the four travel to a youth hostel in Byron Bay, as Will wants to follow Katie there. He attempts to become friends with one of the backpackers, Ben, but is unsuccessful when the backpackers quickly deduce that he is a tourist, rather than a "traveller". When seated around a campfire, it is implied but not revealed that Jay still misses his ex girlfriend, Jane and has followed her to Australia to try to win her back. Will and Katie hit it off, to Ben's annoyance as Will mocks his guitar playing. Katie drunkenly seduces Will but then unknowingly to him, passes out as they are in bed together and Will is fingering her. A backpacker girl comes in, sees what is happening and thinking that Will had taken advantage of a now unconscious Katie, wrestles him to the ground, and sets off a 'rape alarm' Will's mother gave to him. The boys and the backpackers visit a water park where, Neil accidentally kills a dolphin and Jay gets Simon into trouble with the parents of some children. It is revealed that Jane was working somewhere at the water park. Jay tries to find her, but a worker tells him that she has since left for the outback and that he will "never find her", leaving him feeling dejected and he finally reveals to the others his longing to re-connect with Jane. Will takes on Ben in a water slide race on the condition that the loser must strip naked. Neil, who is suffering from irritable bowels tries to alert Will that he is about to soil himself, to which Will ignores him but Neil defecates down the slide Will has just gone down. Will wins the race against Ben, but Neil's poop lands right on his face, causing him to vomit uncontrollably, making everybody evacuate the pool. Lucy tells Simon via Skype that Jane is working on a stud farm in the remote settlement of Birdsville, and the boys intend to drive there but Will, trying to become a "traveller" instead of a tourist, gets into an argument with Simon and they part ways. Will stays in Byron Bay in the hopes of getting with Katie while the others head for Birdsville. Will struggles to fit in with the 'spiritual' activities of the travellers and discovers that Katie is sleeping with multiple people at once including Ben, launching him into one of his foul-mouthed tirades towards them, which leads Katie into having sex with Ben in the hostel dormitory. Regretting his decision, Will books a flight with a local farmer and reunites with the rest of the group in the outback. Their car runs out of petrol in the middle of the desert. The group hold hands together as they realise that they will most likely die, but they are rescued by Jane and her co-workers. She realises how far Jay came to win her over again, and although she is touched by the gesture, she does not take him back. Back at Jay's uncle's house, the boys find that their parents have travelled to find them after hearing of their near-death experience. The boys are shocked to find Mr Gilbert (their old head of sixth form and Will's nemesis) there too, and Will's mother announces that she and Gilbert are in a relationship, to the abject horror of Will and amusement of the other three friends. Over Skype, Lucy breaks-up with Simon because she has been cheating with, and is now in a relationship with his university 'best friend' Pete, which Simon responds to by cheering and abruptly hanging-up on her. The group then drive off to continue travelling in Australia and onto Asia. In a montage during the final credits, the four boys decide to travel onwards to Vietnam, are seen target-shooting guns in Cambodia and drinking with girls in Thailand who are then revealed to be ladyboys. On their return to the United Kingdom, they all have long hair and have gained the "backpacker look", Neil is in a relationship with an older female traveller from the Byron Bay hostel, while Will's mother reveals her engagement to (teacher) Mr. Gilbert. Will is aghast and attempts to run back to the plane, but is wrestled to the ground by security.

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