da sweet blood of jesus
Director: spike lee
Actor: stephen tyrone williams,zaraah abrahams,rami malek,elvis nolasco
Data Published: Tue Jan 13 2015
Genres: Comedy,Romance,Thriller
Key Words: male frontal nudity,crowdfunded,male nudity,jesus in title,lesbian kiss
IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3104930/
WIKI: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Da_Sweet_Blood_of_Jesus
Description: Da Sweet Blood of Jesus is a movie starring Stephen Tyrone Williams, Zaraah Abrahams, and Rami Malek. An anthropologist awakes with a thirst for blood after an assistant stabs him with a cursed dagger.
Plot: The film opens with an unnamed dancer (Charles “Lil Buck” Riley) dancing in various locations around Brooklyn during the credit sequence. From there, the plot follows Dr. Hess Green (Stephen Tyrone Williams), a wealthy African-American anthropologist and art collector who acquires a dagger originating in the ancient Ashanti Empire, a highly advanced civilization that, Green claims, became addicted to blood transfusions. That night, Lafayette Hightower (Elvis Nolasco), an emotionally unstable colleague from the museum which acquired the dagger, pays a visit to Green's impressive, African-art covered Martha's Vineyard mansion. The two cordially discuss history and philosophy, but once Green has retired for the evening, Hightower becomes drunk and climbs a tree with a noose, claiming he wants to commit suicide. Green successfully talks him down, but later that night Hightower attacks and stabs Green with the Ashanti ceremonial dagger, killing him. An undetermined amount of time later, Green is shocked to awaken--unscathed. He hears a gunshot and, upon discovering that Hightower has killed himself, he instinctively drinks Hightower's blood. He discovers that he is invulnerable to physical harm, can no longer tolerate normal food and drink, and has an insatiable need for more blood. Though he steals several bags of blood from a doctor's office, he quickly finds that he needs fresh victims. The first is a prostitute (Felicia Pearson) who, shockingly, reawakens--only after he has discovered that her blood is HIV-positive. After a period of tension, it is determined that he has not contracted the virus. Soon, Hightower's estranged ex-wife, Ganja (Zaraah Abrahams), arrives at Green's house searching for her ex-husband, who owes her money. Green and Ganja quickly become lovers, and she moves into Green's expansive mansion. When she unwittingly discovers her ex-husband's corpse --frozen in Green's wine cellar-- she is initially angry, but after Green explains what happened and tells her that he loves her, she agrees to marry him. On the honeymoon night, he stabs her with the Ashanti dagger so that she will share immortality with him. Ganja is initially horrified by her new existence, but Green teaches her how to survive. After he departs and kills a young woman with a baby (Jeni Perillo) whom he meets in a public park in Brooklyn, he brings home an old female acquaintance (Naté Bova), for Ganja's first kill. Ganja seduces and then strangles the woman. Ganja and Hess dispose of the body, even though, like the prostitute from before, the "corpse" reawakens. Eventually, Green becomes disillusioned with this life and makes a visit to a Red Hook church where he is moved by an energetic musical performance and approaches the altar to have the pastor lay hands on him. Meanwhile, back at home, Ganja murders Green's loyal domestic servant (Rami Malek). When she searches for Green to confess, she finds him in the shadow of a cross, dying. Green dies in her arms, glad to be at peace. Ganja, though saddened by his death, lives on, presumably continuing her vampire-esque lifestyle. At the movie's closing, we see her walk out to the beach. The woman she had previously killed appears, naked, and joins her to watch the sunset.