
hardcore henry

Director: ilya naishuller

Actor: sharlto copley,tim roth,haley bennett,danila kozlovsky

Data Published: Wed Apr 06 2016

Genres: Action,Adventure,Sci-Fi,Thriller

Key Words: point of view,violence,telekinesis,cyborg,terrorist plot



Description: Hardcore Henry is a movie starring Sharlto Copley, Tim Roth, and Haley Bennett. Henry is resurrected from death with no memory, and he must save his wife from a telekinetic warlord with a plan to bio-engineer soldiers.

Plot: Waking inside a laboratory on an airship, a man recalls bullies from his childhood. A scientist, Estelle (Haley Bennett), greets him and says his name is Henry, she is his wife, and that he has been revived from an accident that left him amnesiac and mute. After she replaces a missing arm and leg with cybernetic prostheses, mercenaries led by the psychokinetic Akan (Danila Kozlovsky) raid the ship, claiming all of Estelle's research is Akan's corporate property. He kills Estelle's scientists before attempting to murder Henry, but Henry and Estelle flee in an escape pod, landing in Moscow. Estelle is abducted by the mercenaries, who try to kill Henry. Henry is rescued by a mysterious man, Jimmy (Sharlto Copley), who informs him that his cybernetic implants are running out of power, which will kill him if he can't recharge. Jimmy is killed by corrupt cops bought out by Akan, and Henry is forced to fight his way through both cops and mercenaries, sneaking onto a bus. He is joined by Jimmy — not dead, now an alcoholic, odorous bum — who informs him that one of Akan's associates, Slick Dimitry, has a cybernetic charging pump implanted, which Henry needs to recharge. The two are attacked by a flamethrower-wielding goon. Jimmy is incinerated, but Henry escapes, locating and chasing Dimitry throughout Moscow before capturing him; just as Dimitry promises him information, he is killed by a sniper. Henry removes the pump and receives a call from Jimmy, who directs Henry to a brothel. Henry meets two more versions of Jimmy — a cocaine-addicted lothario and a shy, awkward geek — who replace his pump. The brothel is attacked by Akan's forces. Henry fights his way through, but encounters Akan, who taunts him with Estelle's kidnapping, revealing she is being transported by an armored convoy. Akan hurls Henry out of the brothel. Outside, Henry encounters another Jimmy — now a marijuana-obsessed hippie-biker — who transports him to Akan's convoy. Henry finds Estelle - and Akan, who (seemingly) kills him and buries him in the woods. Jimmy finds and resuscitates Henry, only to be shelled by a tank. After killing the tank crew, fending off a helicopter, and failing to ride a runaway horse, Henry finds another Jimmy — a gruff sniper in a ghillie suit — who leads him to an abandoned hotel, where Jimmy is headquartered in a hidden laboratory. Jimmy and Henry encounter a number of policemen surrounding a girl. They are in the process of forcing her to perform oral sex on one of the cops. Henry kills them all. Here, the real Jimmy — a quadriplegic scientist — reveals his motive for helping Henry: revenge against Akan, who crippled him after his own cyborg super-soldiers failed. He reveals the other Jimmys are dormant clones that he can control, through which he lives a vice-filled life. The clones attack Henry after Jimmy realizes that Henry has been unknowingly broadcasting his location to Akan, with a strike force closing in. Fending off Jimmy, Henry convinces him to help. Henry and the clones of Jimmy — ranging from a punk rocker to a posh WWII Colonel — fight their way out, killing the force by collapsing the laboratory on them. Jimmy and Henry drive to Akan's headquarters. They fight their way into an elevator, but Jimmy is mortally wounded. Before dying, Jimmy thanks Henry for being the closest thing to a friend he had, and removes a memory blocker, gradually restoring Henry's memories. Henry fights his way to the highest floor, where he is greeted by Akan, revealing an army of cyborg super-soldiers being fed Henry's memories. One such soldier fights Henry, followed by the rest of the army, chasing Henry to the roof. Henry wipes out the entire army. Akan arrives and severely wounds Henry. Shortly after, Estelle arrives as well. In reality, Estelle was Akan's wife, forming an elaborate ruse to field-test Henry and use his memories to manipulate cyborg soldiers into doing anything to "rescue" their "wife" — specifically, terrorist attacks and world domination as Akan's loyal slaves. The two leave Henry for dead, leaving in a helicopter. Henry blacks out, but is energized by an emerging memory of his father (Tim Roth) encouraging him to fight back against the childhood bullies seen in the intro. Henry manages to reach Akan, decapitating him with his cybernetic eyestalk. He jumps onto Estelle's helicopter, presenting her Akan's head. Estelle shoots him, but the bullet ricochets off his cybernetic hand and wounds her, leaving her hanging from the helicopter. Estelle pleads with Henry to save her, but Henry slams the door, sending her falling to her death. Mid-credits, an answering machine message from Jimmy is heard, telling Henry there is "one more thing" to do.

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