
mother's day

Director: charles kaufman

Actor: tiana pierce,nancy hendrickson,deborah luce,frederick coffin

Data Published: Fri Sep 19 1980

Genres: Comedy,Horror,Thriller

Key Words: murderess,slasher,american horror,drive in classic,woods



Description: Mother's Day is a movie starring Tiana Pierce, Nancy Hendrickson, and Deborah Luce. Two brothers kidnap and brutalize three women for the pleasure of their demented mother.

Plot: In a Growth Opportunity graduation, a couple named Terry and Charlie are offered a ride from an old woman where they are driven into the woods. After the old woman's car is stalled, two inbred killers appear and attack; Charlie is decapitated with a machete in the backseat while Terry is brutally assaulted before being garroted by the old lady. It is revealed that the dual killers named Ike and Addley are the woman's sons, who is nicknamed Mother. Meanwhile, three adult women with a long-time friendship, Abbey, Jackie, and Trina, are reunited every year for a camping trip at Deep Barons. After stopping at a nearby store for supplies, they arrive at their destination and begin to camp. While in the woods, they begin to explore, sitting around the campfire telling stories and having fun by swimming and fishing, unbeknownst that they are being stalked by Ike and Addley. At night, the two brothers capture the three women in their sleeping bags and bring them to Mother's cabin residence in the woods. It is revealed that the brothers live alongside with Mother, in which they are raised to commit acts of rape, violence, and murder to impress her. After the girls are tied up inside the cabin, Jackie is first taken by Mother and the deranged brothers who torture her outside with abuse and assault. The next morning, Abbey and Trina plan to escape as Mother and her boys exercise outside. While still inside the house, the two girls discover Terry and Charlie's bodies and find a brutalized Jackie inside a drawer. While outside Mother sees her deformed sister Queenie in the wilderness. Meanwhile the trio escape from the cabin and into the woods; Trina finds the car destroyed and is chased by Ike, and Jackie peacefully dies of her wounds. Ike is distracted and Trina reunites with Abbey for revenge against Mother and the brothers. Meanwhile, Mother discusses with Addley about her sister Queenie, revealing that Queenie lives out in the woods near the cabin and feeds off of dead animals. The next morning, Abbey and Trina arm themselves with weapons and begin to invade the cabin to avenge Jackie. After they brutally kill Addley inside the house, they move his body outside before Ike appears and attacks. He tries to strangle Trina before Abbey pours Drano down his throat, damaging him. In the process, Ike is injured from a television set slammed into his head by Abbey and is murdered by Trina with an electric knife. With the brothers dead, the girls gang up on Mother and sadistically suffocate Mother with a sex toy. With their vengeance complete, the two girls make a burial for Jackie and prepare to leave the woods before they are suddenly attacked by Queenie who jumps from behind the bushes as the film fades to yellow.

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