
the burning

Director: tony maylam

Actor: brian matthews,leah ayres,brian backer,larry joshua

Data Published: Fri May 08 1981

Genres: Horror

Key Words: summer camp,prank,slasher,revenge,scissors



Description: The Burning is a movie starring Brian Matthews, Leah Ayres, and Brian Backer. A former summer camp caretaker, horribly burned from a prank gone wrong, lurks around an upstate New York summer camp bent on killing the teenagers...

Plot: One night at Camp Blackfoot, several campers pull a prank on the caretaker named Cropsy by setting a worm-riddled skull next to his bed with candles in the eye sockets. When the caretaker is awoken by the campers banging on his window, he is frightened by the skull and accidentally knocks it onto his bed, starting a fire. The flames reach to a gas tank, where it ignites Cropsy and his cabin. He runs outside, engulfed in flames, and stumbles down into a river as the boys flee from the scene. Five years later, Cropsy is released from the hospital despite having to deal with failed skin grafts, and wears a coat and hat to hide his deformities. While outside, a prostitute lures him, and in a fit of rage, he repeatedly stabs her with a pair of scissors. Soon, he arms himself with a pair of garden shears and sets out to another summer camp entitled Camp Stonewater. At the camp, the counselors and campers are playing baseball and Tiger, one of the campers, goes to search for the baseball lost in the woods. Tiger finds the ball and runs back to the game just before Cropsy almost attacks her. The next morning, a camper named Alfred scares Sally as she steps out of the shower. Sally's screams bring the counselors Michelle and Todd to the scene, and campers Karen and Eddy catch Alfred. Michelle is furious at Alfred's actions and demands that he leaves, but Todd talks to him; he finds out that Alfred has no friends, and was merely pulling a prank on Sally. Later, Sally's boyfriend Glazer confronts Alfred, but Todd gets him to back off, and Alfred apologizes to Sally. That night, Alfred spots Cropsy outside his window, but nobody believes him. The next day, Todd, Michelle, and the kids all go on a canoe trip down to the river Devil's Creek, and Todd tells the campers about the legend of Cropsy. After the campfire, Karen and Eddy go to a lake to skinny dip. Eddy is upset when Karen reconsiders having sex with him, and leaves the lake to get her clothes. As she collects them, Cropsy grabs her and slashes her throat with his shears. The next morning, Michelle finds out about Karen's disappearance and the missing canoes. While she and Todd question Eddy, the campers Fish, Woodstock, Marine, and Barbara search for the canoes on a makeshift raft. They spot a canoe and paddle to it, and are ambushed by Cropsy, who jumps out from the canoe and savagely kills them all with his shears. Early the next morning, Glazer has sex with Sally in the woods, but suffers premature ejaculation. After this, he goes to get matches to start a campfire and resume their intimacy. While away, Cropsy appears and forcibly shoves his shears into Sally's chest, and a returned Glazer is stabbed through the neck and pinned to a tree by Cropsy. Alfred witnesses this and wakes up Todd, who comes along with him. While investigating his body, Todd is knocked unconscious by Cropsy and he chases after Alfred. While Michelle discovers the slaughtered camper's bodies on the makeshift raft and brings the remaining campers - Dave, Tiger, Diane, Sophie, Alan, and Rhonda - back to camp to contact the police, Todd reawakens and chases after Cropsy with an axe. Cropsy takes Alfred hostage inside an abandoned mineshaft, and pins him to a wall with his shears before arming himself with a flamethrower-esque blowtorch. After finding Karen's body in the mineshaft, Todd sees Cropsy and remembers he was one of the campers behind the prank that disfigured him. Cropsy appears, showing his disfigurement, and fights off Todd just before Alfred frees himself and stabs him in the back with his own shears. He reappears and is killed by Todd when he slams the axe into his face, and Alfred ignites him once again. They make their way outside to Michelle, who has brought the police via helicopter, and Cropsy's corpse continues to burn away. The film ends with another group of teenagers retelling the story of Cropsy around a campfire.

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